Visitation Policy for Intermediate Care Facilities
I. Purpose
To establish guidelines for visitors to all Florida MENTOR ICFs/IDD facilities
II. Policy
It is the Policy of Florida MENTOR to encourage and facilitate visitation with family and friends while protecting the rights and safety of all persons that we serve in our ICF facilities.
To the extent a visitor becomes disruptive or their presence is contraindication, Florida MENTOR reserves the right to ask the person to leave the facility if the visitor is unwilling or unable to modify their behavior causing the disruption.
III. Procedures
A. General Visitation Guidelines
- Florida MENTOR will facilitate the visit of family, friends, and invited guests. The individual, legal guardian in collaboration with the facility management will determine if there are limitations on who may visit. Decisions made on visitation will be enforced by facility management.
- Immediate family or other relatives are not subject to visiting hour limitations or other restrictions not imposed by the interdisciplinary team on behalf of the individual. General visitation times will be between 9am and 9pm except for essential caregivers.
- The facility may try to change the location of visits to protect the privacy of other individuals.
- The facility will ensure that visitation rights do not infringe on the rights of other individuals at the facility. Alternate areas for meeting with family and friends will be facilitated when necessary.
- The facility may place reasonable restriction on individuals exercising their rights for visitation. This will be done when it interferes with care giving, and to protect the rights, privacy and dignity of other individuals. This may include: visitation hours, number of individuals visiting at the same time and location of the visit.
- All visitors will sign a visitor log that captures date and time of visit and individual visited. On departing, the visitor will sign out of the facility.
- An essential caregiver may be appointed by an individual when needed. An essential care giver will not perform routine care for the individual. The facility will accommodate extra visitation time up to 2 hours for essential care. The following situations will be accommodated as needing an essential care giver:
i. End-of-life situations.
ii. A newly admitted individual needs help in acclimatizing to the new living arrangement and needs the support of a familiar person.
iii. The individual needs the support to make a major medical decision.
iv. An individual needs support through the grieving process after a loss.
v. An individual needing encouragement to eat or drink because this was previously provided by family or caregiver.
vi. A resident, client, or patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.
vii. If the individual is a minor.
B. Infection Control
- Florida MENTOR will ensure that all employees are trained and knowledgeable in infection control necessary to accommodate safe visitation.
- Florida MENTOR will ensure that all visitors have access to educational material on infection control.
- All visitors will be provided Personal Protective Equipment on request.
- All visitors will have access to hand sanitizer and handwashing sinks.
- The facility will not prohibit consensual physical contact between an individual and visitors.
- Visitors to Florida MENTOR facilities will at no time be asked for proof of vaccination or immunization. Facility supervisors will ensure implementation of this policy. Visitors will not be asked to wear personal protective equipment.
- If a visitor is exhibiting symptoms of an airborne illness or volunteer information that they are contagious, the facility will provide PPE on request. An alternate visiting area will be provided and suggested to protect the wellbeing of others.
- The facility supervisor on duty/call during visitation will enforce this visitation policy.
Revised 4/2/24, 5/8/24